Saturday, June 10, 2006

of interest...

for those of you who may or may not be debating the whole threat to marriage thing, take a peek at spocko's brain's friday june 9th posts(the pepsi thing is just for fun). interesting and insightful.


Ellie said...

thanks for the link, great blog. totally agree, they act as if gay marriage is going to destroy the world. repubs really amaze me with how stupid they think the American people are.

Ellie said...

thanks for the link, great blog. totally agree, they act as if gay marriage is going to destroy the world. repubs really amaze me with how stupid they think the American people are.

Ellie said...

ugh don't know why that published twice. sorry bout that.

The Future Was Yesterday said...

I've haven't given the "Attack on Marriage" too much air play, as I know for a fact, the biggest and perhaps only, threat to my marriage, is my big mouth!:)