Friday, June 09, 2006

no monopoly on caring or patriotism

i found this article interesting. this is for all of those folks who feel that they are the 'true americans' or that they hold the monopoly on values and patriotism. guess what? all of us are americans here- we all share this country and we all have troops in this nation's military. get over it.


Jeremy said...

I must say I'm curious to see how all of this plays out once polling is conducted after the Zarqawi strike. A bump in Bush's poll #'s is worth his death...however I think people are mistaken if they think the violence will settle down. Breaking news: Hamas just launched missiles toward Israel, and that is NOT a good thing.

shawn (aka blogstud) said...

Yes, my main concern is our troops as well. If al Zarqawi's death makes it harder for Al Qaida to coordinate attacks on our soldiers, then good. Good post Betmo. We are all Americans and (most) of us pay taxes. I sure do. Bush sure rushed through his tax break for the wealthy but I am still waiting to see if they will extend the tuition tax break which will help me.

Spadoman said...

Thanks Betmo.....Good Post.

The first paragraph says it all for me in some respects. You see, I'm a Vietnam Veteran. There was defininately a different atmosphere when the Vietnam Warrior came home. I am glad and pleased that people have learned and understand that to be a soldier is honorable and that they can not shoulder the blame for starting a war. I've said this on my blog since I started posting.

I just had a serious discussion with someone who doesn't understand how anyone can support the troops and be against the war. I can live with that. I accept the fact that others have other ways of looking at things. But I don't want to be judged as something I'm not.

At three Native American functions every year I attend and participate in a ceremony to honor those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for their Country. I hoist the Stars and Stripes on a flag pole while a Veterans Honor Song is played by the singer/drummers.

I'm not tooting my own horn here when I say this. I am making the point that I DO care, I care greatly because I know what a person goes through when they had to fight in a war. People who have not seen the devastation and destruction and death and struggle first hand really have no idea. I'm happy that the Creator has spared them the sight and memory of it all.

Anyway, I'm ranting here, sparked by your post. Let there be no mistake. People can and do support the people serving in the military while at the same time oppose the war.

The bottom line really is this:

If you think we should have attacked Iraq, or if you think we shouldn't have attacked Iraq, you should want the war to come to an end as quickly as possible.
If you don't want the end of war, you are sick

Bu$Co's administration has changed the American Flag into an icon for his own judgemental manipulating form of propaganda laced patriotism.

When we came home from Vietnam, "hippies" were arrested and harrassed for wearing garb with the flag on it or using a flag to make a garment. Now, you can paint the symbol of our country on your chest and get on camera at a football game and it's deemed patriotism.

Thanks for letting me be here today. Thanks Betmo.

Anonymous said...

Awesome post (the below one as well). We can be critical of our childrens' behavior--does that mean we're anti-child? Look at the trend of this phenomenon. Critical of Israel? Anti-Semite! Critical of U.S? UnAmerican! You're right--it's a sudden forgetfulness about the values that we usually hold dear anyway.

I thought WE were America! Not the government. Grr...