Sunday, June 11, 2006

this is it today

unless blogger stops the madness- anyone else still having problems or is it me? blogger is slow, slow, slow- and half of the time it doesn't want to load. the visual verification things in the comments section isn't coming up. this is either incredibly bad luck for blogger- or they are preparing us for life without net neutrality. my personal thought is that it is big brother spying on our blogs and even now knows that we all intercommunicate together to try and bring this regime down. ok- little george orwellian- but this is ridiculous. i have never encountered so many issues here in such a short span of time- and i just can't help but wonder- given the domestic spying and stuff- if the regime is tinkering with the internets? anyhoo- at least i am getting some of those pesky projects done and reading my summer reading list. if blogger gets its shit together by the time i am done reading the 400+ page book- i'll do a review. it is pretty good but i don't want to ruin the surprise.


Spadoman said...

Hopefully, they are engineering a better system with upgrades and the like. These procedures take time to load and manipulate and lets the system go "down" from time to time.

I hope that is it. On one window last week that Blogger allowed us to click on, I was given the information that they were having trouble with updates and the system and were sorry for inconvenience.

Mine is working fine so far, bnut is slow for sure. I did find you, Betmo, and if it gets a little warmer, I'm heading out on the Harley this afternoon.

Anonymous said...

Same stuff was going on here. Word verification, pop-up comments, and some blogs took forever to open.

Every so often, they put a tiny notice on the homepage of blogger saying that they'll be out at some specific time. That usually means all day.

Looking forward to the book review!

Anonymous said...

I have been having the same problems. I don't know if your explination is correct.

I stopped posting, just left some photos for people to look at. Seems better today, mabey I'll try posting today.