i can't get the video to come up on msnbc to link directly- so here is
keith olbermann's wtf? moment over the gop strategery of calling the democratic party- the 'democrat socialist party'- yep. and for good measure- the leader of the teabag movement is apparently,---
a tax scofflaw. that gives me perspective- you?
This is why I love being accused of being a democrat. I say I refuse to be aligned with a corporatist, republican-appeasing party and tell them I'm a socialist.
Then I get to explain to them that Obama is not a socialist. Takes one to know one, I say.
The rethugs as a party now have a 20% approval rating. That leaves them just a little more popular than the Green, Communist, or Socialist parties, and I hope they die off like the Whig party did.
I can't believe the rethugs think that purifying their party will bring Americans back to their party.
I shouldn't be so surprised. Their leaders are people like Michell Bachmann, Rush Limbaugh, Cantor, Pawlenty, Darth Vader, Joe the plumber, Medved, etc., etc....
I really get sick of their crap. Republicans make a joke out of Dems not paying taxes saying not paying taxes is a requirement for being a Democrat. How is it this stuff is not only not heard but not expounded on?
you know jim- i wondered along similar lines. i wondered why we are only just now hearing about the tea bag scofflaw-- after the tea parties? shouldn't the journos have researched about such a 'big' news story? puhlease- corporate media strikes again.
It's interesting watching the Republicans searching for relevance.
It's also interesting watching the Capitalist Crooks trying to revive their Golden Goose.
America is in the wilderness currently. It may disappear!
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