Friday, May 22, 2009

sorry ladies

i do not agree with the women on the view- if you are in public office and making decisions and laws that effect all people- the people have a right to know. when you decide to go into public office- whether by election or by being a staffer, etc, you forfeit your right to be hypocritical. if it so happens that it is mainly right wingers who pretend to be hetero while discriminating against gay folks- well tough shit. you don't get to live your life the way you want while infringing on the rights of others.

so, no ladies, i disagree. ordinarily, i am not for outing folks either but in this case- it's a public service.


Frank Partisan said...

The discussion seems to be above most things on The View.

Mark Prime (tpm/Confession Zero) said...

I enjoyed your psa...

The Future Was Yesterday said...

"The View" has all the substance of cotton candy, only less intelligence.