I know of a gentleman who took Lipitor for an extended period of time who got irreversible neuromuscular issues from the med, among other things. For those of you who would like a natural alternative, try red yeast rice with CoQ-10. It does the same thing for your cholesterol levels, yet has NO NASTY SIDE EFFECTS! :)
I take a medication for anxiety. It has helped me tremendously. I know the trouble pills cause - working in a medical office for six years opened my eyes to that fact. But in my case, the drug has given me a chance to act like a normal person who's not hiding in a corner somewhere.
Kind of eye-opening and troubling.
I know of a gentleman who took Lipitor for an extended period of time who got irreversible neuromuscular issues from the med, among other things. For those of you who would like a natural alternative, try red yeast rice with CoQ-10. It does the same thing for your cholesterol levels, yet has NO NASTY SIDE EFFECTS! :)
I take a medication for anxiety. It has helped me tremendously. I know the trouble pills cause - working in a medical office for six years opened my eyes to that fact. But in my case, the drug has given me a chance to act like a normal person who's not hiding in a corner somewhere.
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