Wednesday, January 23, 2008

sidebar wednesdays

sounds better than that awful 'over-the-hump-day' nonsense. i am trying to update my delicious tags and magnolia tags to make them more user friendly. wee time consuming- so it is an ongoing project. a quick note on the sidebar-

i put events at the top- and i have attempted to put them in chronological order. as i come across events that i think will be useful- i put them on the sidebar. i link to the website too- just click on the picture and it will take you to the website.

delicious- are newsy links i link to in lieu of doing an actual post. you can click on 'my delicious' to be taken to the links/tags place- and again, i will be working to make it more user friendly. hopefully, the articles will be a source of information for folks. that's my goal.

magnolia is similar- except that it is a repository of website links. so- if you wanted to click on environmental- it would take you to my environmental links- the links are to the actual websites. not newsy.

i am not sure how the sidebar will evolve- i just want it to benefit folks- and be a resource. feel free with any suggestions or things you'd like to see.


Rebel Reaper said...

Hiya Betmo! How are you these days?

billie said...

i am hanging in there- how about ya'll? :)

Spadoman said...

I think Magnolia's would be Delicious with some Hump Day soup and a Side Bar of salsa.

Couldn't resist :-) hee hee, like you say.

Good job Batmo. You are the only person I know who cares if their site is user friendly and tells us what each link will take you to.

Now, you need another place for "Idiots" you can put my site there!

Peace to All.