Friday, May 18, 2007

open thread friday

the questions of the week are- are humans worth saving? and- do i care if humans destroy themselves? the short answers are no- and no. now, for the long answers.

i was thinking about this the other day after daniel broached the subject over at his blog- and i guess i got a bit disillusioned. actually, i have been disillusioned by people for quite some time because i really thought that greed and egocentrism was a learned thing. i am beginning to think it might be intrinsic to the species. i began thinking back to time immemorial- history and ancient civilizations and all of that- and i figured it out- there isn't any real hope for change because people have been behaving this way since adam and eve- for all of those creationists out there- and since at least lucy- for all of those science loving homo sapiens.

well, let's see- our past has been littered with greed, lust for power, wars, cruelty, waste, etc., etc. you get the idea. as far back as i can tell- the ancient romans were similar to the western world- and so on. i am beginning to think that the bubonic plague was a good thing. at least it led eventually to the age of reason. so- where was i? ah yes- do i care?

yeah- i do. i love my country and my planet and it frustrates me to no end that we, as a species, can't cut the shit and live together. i find it ridiculous that we won't look at each other as fellow humans- regardless of color, race, political party or religion- and allow each other basic human dignity and provisions. i find it contemptible that we are so greedy- especially in the western world- that we won't put aside our quest for power and riches in order to save the very planet we live on.

because we won't do that- it isn't that we aren't capable- i have little faith that global warming and the eventual destruction of the human race and life as we know it- will be stopped. the only peace and comfort that i have found is knowing that once we are gone- the planet will heal itself. with no more fossil fuels burning, the greenhouse gases will dissipate and the ozone layer will finish repairing itself. life will begin again- and i can only hope that the next round of critters who inhabit the planet will be better stewards than we were.


Frank Partisan said...

The last blog I visited also had an open thread Friday.

Falwell dropped dead. He finally did something correct.

Spadoman said...

I've been saying this for a while now. That this world, since time eternal, has fought and killed in the name of greed and religious beliefs, (which are associated very clodely with greed for the church heirarchy). We survive in small clusters and those of us that want peace, must start with ourselves, in our hearts. and spread peace in our world. Our world could be in your household, in your circle of freinds. At getherings, on the streetcorner. Those that choose it and live it, will have pits and pieces of a peacful world. The others will be a part of the common problem in the world that has been here through all time.

This doesn't mean accept what they are doing that is wrong and not work towards a better end, but It may mean that at any instant, you can have peace and happiness despite all that goes on around the world.

Peace to all