Thursday, May 24, 2007

here's the deal

there has been a bruhaha about madame here for quite some time. elizabeth hasselbeck is a mental lightweight whose 15 minutes of fame spread to 20 when she married pro footballer tim hasselbeck. hey- who can account for taste? lizzie here is a very pretty girl- until she opens her mouth. lately, that has been far too frequently for my tastes. see, she thinks her shit don't stink since she got invited to the white house white tie gala for the queen- and her boss didn't. but don't worry babs- dick cheney's lesbian daughter didn't get invited either. just his sister and other daughter (the non lesbian one).

mrs. hasselbeck seems to be under the impression that rethuglican talking points and rhetoric will fly in new york- guess her mentors- herr hannity, herr limbaugh and herr savage should have warned her she needs to broadcast elsewhere. hence, the silence or boos at her remarks on any given day. the recent flap is her rosie baiting on the view. rosie o'donnell has less than a month left on the view and apparently, has become the right's new whipping girl. guess they can't find anything else to do- kind of pathetic actually. but anything to try and keep the rhetoric of fear out there.

see, here's the deal elizabeth, most of the country doesn't think like you. most of the country isn't a paranoid elitist who can't think for themselves. you get your memo in the morning from the right wing pundits and try and spew as much rhetoric as possible in the hour that the view is on. when you are called on your shit, you retreat like a wounded victim and hannity's got your back. newsflash- and this might come as a surprise to you since you get your news from fox- the iraq war isn't keeping us safe. your child is not any more precious than any other child on this planet of 6 billion people. yes, elizabeth, that's a whole lotta brown people. and white people, and black people and generally people you deem beneath you. there was no reason to go into iraq and america wants out. contrary to your belief and dubya's- we want you gone. we don't want to listen to you spew your stupid, pathetic bullshit any longer. and if we still had a constitution after your president shredded it- i would defend your right to spew it. but- since he did shred it and america no longer has a constitution- you don't have a right to spew your rhetoric on my airwaves. you are ignorant and stupid and if you are so gung ho about iraq and saving america from the big bad terrorists- go enlist. your husband can watch the kids- unless he wants to enlist too. put your millions of dollars where your big fat mouth is- and do us all a favor- and go to iraq.

this government has set the stage for discrimination against anyone who doesn't look like you elizabeth- and that isn't the america i knew. we don't like your mean spirited, bigoted, small minded, ignorant rhetoric- and you know what elizabeth and sean and rush and michael? we are going to take you off like imus. if and when our constitution is reinstated- we will put ya back on- until then, the gloves are off. enlist in dubya's army and stop being cowardly- put your "integrity" on the line. then- and only then- will we talk.


Anonymous said...

Right on!

Pam said...

This is exactly how I feel!!

Thanks for posting it!

Sornie said...

I unfortunately heard audio of this and "The View" is as annoying as daytime television could get. They do not know how annoying it is to hear a gaggle of screechy women talk over each other. Thank GOD I work all day otherwise I might get drawn in to this mindless drivel.

Chuck said...

Wow! There's another one.

Well said Betmo! "Every time she opens her mouth" indeed.

Unknown said...

Feel better now?

I do. I loved it!

Send it to ABC!

slcslc said...

Awesome, I agree, send it in! I also saw Alicia Silverstone's hug-snub today on The View. Liz maybe be on the road to getting a "View" of rosie's base of support.

The Future Was Yesterday said...

Obviously, I'm not the only one with a prickly hair in my undies!:)

Since when has mental ability had anything to do with appearing on TV?

sumo said...

I couldn't have written that better myself. Brilliant! I've disliked her since she was a twit on 'Survivor'...and a whiny one at that. I think she thinks she'll be the next Babwa Walters. She couldn't be farther from the truth. Poor Rosie, she may have a mouth on her...but she's completely kind and loving to those who have less...and she tries to make the world a better place I think. She is outspoken and that is always a threat to the 'others'...and the fact that she is worth millions...really ticks them off no end. Ms. Lizzie really, really thinks too much of herself. With any luck she'll blow up lie a whale before she gives birth and not be able to take the weight off! No offense intended for all the lovely whales out there by the way.

Thorne said...

Bless your heart, betmo! Your truth, my truth! Thank you!!! (you know, this prolly sounds really silly... but I can't help but feel so honored to be over there on your sidebar in the company of Ro.) Thank you again, betmo. And I think you should be over there on the sideboard of truthy americans!! Never shut up!

Laurie said...

*standing ovation for 15 minutes*

I watched the entire video after the controversy ensued, and I just have to ask, in case anybody knows--who on God's earth thought putting this dumb blonde on air was a good idea? Donald Trump is right, for once: She's "probably one of the dumbest people on TV." Yay, Betmo! I blogged about this topic myself, but reading your entry made me feel SOOOO much better!