Wednesday, December 06, 2006

the immaculate conception?

apparently, mary cheney is pregnant. i guess i am wondering how that was possible given that she is a lesbian. she is also daughter to what is the 'bush regime' and we know how open minded these folks are. i mean technically mary will be a single mother since she and heather can't get married. they are 'living in sin' in so many ways i lost count- according to christian evangelical teachings anyway. i think that it is nice that there is a double standard for people with connections to politicians while the rank and file have to live by a different set of rules. fair and balanced as usual.


Anonymous said...

She visited "the bank" and made a withdrawl? LOL

Donnie McDaniel said...

Get your popcorn and drinks ready. This is going to be funny as hell watching the heads explode on the far right.

DivaJood said...

Obviously, this kid will have the same father that Jesus has: Virg. You know, they keep talking about Virg and Mary.

Sarah said...

Those far-right winged groups are full of bigots of the highest order. They do realize that the one-man, one-woman marriage isn't the majority anymore? Most couples have children before marriage and there are a number of gay and lesbian relationships too. So, I guess ALL of these children are doomed, according to their logic. Of course, they don't accept abortion, so you are damned by them either way you choose! So, it's best to ignore them all.

Anonymous said...

What the hell was that excuse to explain the [supposedly] virgin Mary's pregnancy? Immaculate conception? Could be, I guess.

I tend to suspect something far more worldly, given that even lesbian's orifices will admit male incursions. Put more diplomatically, she got a case of hot pants and wanted a real one. That happens as well.

My prediction is they'll just pretend she simply doesn't exist. They have spectacular talent when it comes to overlooking minor inconveniences.

Spadoman said...

I didn't do it. Vasectomy in 1977. I still have the scars to prove it, but they are hidden in the wrinkles. Wanna see? :-)

billie said...

tmi :)