So first halloween, and then setting fire to Guy Fawke's well that should have cleared the air of any 'demons' - lol!
Als but no, All Saints and all hallows was about lighting a candle and communing with the spirits of dear departed ones, somehow got lost in the fog of ghost stories and Freddy Krugger
Bonfire night used to be about letting go - burning old furniture, old leaves, old trees, dead wood, old clothes, paintings, dolls, art , (even problems), ... and making way for the new
But people have forgotten what it was all about, and like Xmas, they become just another hectic day, yo rush around shopping, cooking, dressing-up and eating ... only to find the real magic or 'sparkle' has fizzled away.
And tomorrow is just another day with the exactly same problems brought over from the previous day.
So here's wishing you a new day, in this icy cold sunny wintery day
Yes, I sure have had enough and it began in 2000 with the supreme court and crazy Katherine Harris. I had enough before I knew how bad it would get.
Long ago. Long ago.
So first halloween, and then setting fire to Guy Fawke's
well that should have cleared the air of any 'demons' - lol!
Als but no, All Saints and all hallows was about lighting a candle and communing with the spirits of dear departed ones, somehow got lost in the fog of ghost stories and Freddy Krugger
Bonfire night used to be about letting go - burning old furniture, old leaves, old trees, dead wood, old clothes, paintings, dolls, art , (even problems), ...
and making way for the new
But people have forgotten what it was all about, and like Xmas, they become just another hectic day, yo rush around shopping, cooking, dressing-up and eating ... only to find the real magic or 'sparkle' has fizzled away.
And tomorrow is just another day with the exactly same problems brought over from the previous day.
So here's wishing you a new day, in this icy cold sunny wintery day
Hi betmo, So time for change
Throw Republican votes in the fire
vote Democrat and Start a New Day!
Oh hell ya, ENOUGH!
It's time for a change. I am excited, yet very nervous about tomorrow.
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