Tuesday, November 28, 2006

thought for tuesday

"america's greatest strength, and its greatest weakness, is our belief in second chances; our belief that we can always start over; that things can be made better."

anthony walton


Anonymous said...

Until we're Daisy fertilizer, I guess that's true. But we've had so many "second chances", that I don't know if we can dig ourselves out of this one. Iraq is only the top of the tip of an iceberg.

An awful deep hole has been dug for us here on the home front, I'm afraid. At some point, you have to ask if another comeback is possible, and sadly, this time, I don't think it is. Especially when your Government and all major businesses are aligned solidly against us!!

billie said...

it's true. i only see us going down from here. we will never be a superpower again- that is true. i am just hoping we don't become a third world country. we may be educated, but education doesn't mean squat if there is no job available to make a living. our country is bankrupt- economically and morally. it is sad.

Anonymous said...

yes; hope is the thing with wings... (e. dickenson)

DivaJood said...

Betmo, we've been headed toward third world status for quite some time: the division between the super rich and the poor widens daily; the middle class has eroded; health care is unaffordable. This has been going on since the "Reagan Revolution."

However, without hope, life is not worth living, and hope grows out of many things. Despair is defeat. Our nation needs a major overhaul, and some of it will not happen in our lifetime. But without hope, why get out of bed?

Peacechick Mary said...

Yes! But, I am not giving Bush any chances. He has proven he won't change even when he says he will. Typical.

EAPrez said...

Don't mean to be cynical but that is the america that used to be. Americans for the most part only care about shopping and being the first to get the next MUST HAVE item. There is no outrage about the war and what we're doing to Iraq. I posted a story today about a man who set himself on fire in protest of the war - hardly a mention in the media. We're asleep.