Monday, October 16, 2006

Keith Olbermann interviews John Dean

in case you didn't click on the link- it's olbermann- watch it!!


Anonymous said...

Must.See.TV. I pre-program KO in every morning, and am SORELY disappointed when he has whatshername guest anchoring. How did a former SPORTSCASTER become our voice? Amazing, really.

billie said...

yeah- but it is valuable reading. perhaps there is still part of me that is optimistic. i have a bit of 'faith' that sane folks will eventually win the day. perhaps not in my lifetime- but if i can help sow the seeds- then my life will have been well lived. john dean has valuable insight and he wrote a book that can be a tool. it isn't a flattering book by any stretch and he didn't put a magic pill at the end that will fix this nightmare. he simply put scientific data that has not been as readily available to the masses out there. why? because he felt that he had to. there comes a time in everyone's life where they have to stand and be counted- to do the right thing. or- they don't do it- and have to live with it forever. these folks don't have a conscience- so they won't regret anything.

Anonymous said...

Keith Olbermann for President!!

I can't get the vid to play here at work, so I'll have to wait until I get home to watch Dean. In the meantime, I will simply fantasize about Keith....drool.....

Peacechick Mary said...

Keith is truly the media hero of our hour. We are all so refreshed just to hear something true and incisive by a mainstream media that we go gaa gaa. He deserves all our praise. As far as who he interviews and why - I don't care if he interviews Santa Claus, as long as it wakes people up to what is going on right now.

The Future Was Yesterday said...

John Dean brings some dirty hands to the table, forever tainted by watergate. I personally find it reprehensible that a convicted felon that was part of the heart and soul of the Imperial Presidency should ever profit in any manner from any books he might write.

That however, casts no reflection on his warnings and observations from his latest book. They are accurate, terrifyingly accurate!

I do feel he's living a double standard. You see him all over talk TV all the time. He could be using his considerable influence to be publically calling various members of congress to account, and he's not doing that. As Charlie pointed out, "He's selling his book(s)." Perhaps less talk TV and more in your face talk to congress would help dispel that opinion.

His observations and warnings still stand as accurate and true. But it didn't take a John Dean book to tell us we're headed straight to the heart of Facism, did it?

billie said...

no- but it does open up the scientific empirical evidence that would not have made the public otherwise. at this point, i will take whatever help we can get- and from almost any quarter. dean was no gordon liddy- but he did belong to the nixon admin. i care less about the man himself and more about his message- which did take some courage to write. he lays these folks out in lavender- and for that- i am thankful. it is going to take support from the right to institute change. we can't do it alone and neither can the 'normals' on their side.

Anonymous said...

I agree, I'm not quite sure how he became such a spokesperson! Good post, Betmo. I havent read this yet, but I will.

Anonymous said...

Great Post. Not living in the states i forget what American News i slike. it is refreshing to know thaat at least someone out there is saying things like this.

Once again, please read The Bush Agenda. It is a very enlightening book.

Sarah said...

What is unique about this administration is that so many people of their own party are coming out against them, from the war in Iraq to failed domestic policy. That should tell you something!

billie said...

it tells me that folks who shouldn't have been a part of this bullshit to begin with are waking up and listening to their consciences. the folks who still buy this horseshit- and all manners of other shit- are the 25% of people in this country who can't think for themselves and have no conscience. you have to read the book- i am feverishly trying to find the website that pertains to this stuff- i will post it when i find it.

msliberty said...

I have an ongoing list of "books to read" on winter vacation, and this just went to the top of my list. Thanks for the recommendation and for the excellent clip!

Also, I'd like to add, several copies are available at When given the choice, I try to support Powells, especially since their workers fought so hard to win a very good union contract.

shawn (aka blogstud) said...

You are right, er I mean left, aw heck you know what I mean. You are correct, b. OLBERMAN FOR PRES!

Thanks for the heads up on this book. I will add it to my list.

But all I have had time for lately are my textbooks.

I hope you are having a good week, despite all the turmoil surrounding us.