Thursday, August 03, 2006

what we can do this year...

i don't know if it will do a damned bit of good but here goes: i am supporting jonathan tasini for senate in 2006. i looked at his platform and it didn't look status quo. i am not saying that i disregard the good things that hillary clinton has done for upstate- because i am not. i don't agree with her pro-war, pro-israel no matter what stance and i think that for any real change to occur in this country- we have to start voting first- and voting incumbants out second. so all of you folks in new york- check out tasini and vote your conscience. in connecticut- check out lamont- and vote your conscience. if we all started excercising our right to vote- there wouldn't be a silent majority in america.

jonathan tasini

hillary clinton

chuck shumer

maurice hinchey(my area)

ned lamont


Pete said...

Doesn't sound like Hilary is much of an eventual Presidential prospect.

Her positions you mention sound like an attempt to be a very conservative Democrat - thus indistinguishable from an average Republican.


billie said...

thanks daniel. yes, i do like spitzer and i will most likely vote for him. i actually wish that he was staying in the ag role instead but i am not enamored with suozzi at all. it might be the upstater in me- i just don't like his platform. i don't know much about california politics but it does look like arnold has backed off a bit on the hardline approach. we need a return to moderation. i don't dislike republicans- i dislike hard right neo conservatives and hard right conservatives. i don't dislike democrats but i am sick of the hard left making it difficult to bridge gaps and meet on common ground with the repubs. we are in a fight for america against radicals on both sides- and the only way to make things better is to fight for the moderates.

billie said...

i think that it is fantastic, daniel, that you and t.l. think i am a liberal. :) i think of myself as a moderate democrat bordering on independent. just shows difference in perspective. :) i make my decisions based on my own life experiences and what common sense i have.

Mark Prime (tpm/Confession Zero) said...

Nice post my friend. I see you have someone calling you names... :>) I get that a lot.

DivaJood said...

Hillary AND Bill Clinton are not liberal Democrats; he's a Moderate, and she's always been a bit more Conservative than Bill. Bill had the advantage of being more charismatic than Hillary; she is a hard-as-nails woman, who comes off as soul-less.

Some of her positions are good; some are just wrong. Her support of the war is really wrong. She is NOT as Conservative as Joe Lieberman in Connecticut, who is more of a Republican than he is Democrat.