Thursday, August 03, 2006

is this typical?

being left leaning- i just don't know.

alberto gonzalez- wants a new system for trying terror suspects to let prosecutors withhold classified evidence from the accused, ... detainee legislation also should permit hearsay and coerced testimony, if deemed "reliable" by a judge.

rumsfeld, et al- Rumsfeld stuck to his usual assertion that it depends on conditions and on the ability of the Iraqi government to suppress sectarian tensions. Pace said he did not anticipate one year ago that Iraq would now be in danger of descending into civil war. Abizaid said it was obvious a year ago that sectarian violence was on the rise, and that Iraq's police forces did not develop as well as U.S. officials had expected.

senator burns, bigot, montana- Burns, one of the most vulnerable incumbents in the fall elections, confronted members of a firefighting team at the Billings airport on July 23 and told them they had done a "piss-poor job," according to an official state report and the U.S. Forest Service. Burns, a third-term lawmaker already facing questions about his ties to convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff. ... In 1999, Burns issued a written apology after referring to Arabs as "rag heads" during a speech while commenting on oil prices. In 1994, Burns repeated a story that included the word "niggers" and commented that living with blacks in Washington, D.C., was "a hell of a challenge." He also onced asked a woman who was wearing a nose ring what tribe she belonged to. Last year, the senator denied a flight attendant's claim that he told her she could "go home and be a mother" if her airline job were eliminated.

katherine harris, prima donna, florida- floundering Senate campaign received a grand jury subpoena from federal investigators, but she kept it from her top advisers, prompting several staff members to quit when they found out, a former aide said Wednesday.


Mark Prime (tpm/Confession Zero) said...

The list just keeps going and going and going... Energized candidacy indeed! One would think that someday either side of the Dem and Rep aisle would get it and be done with the election of would be and continuing criminals...

DivaJood said...

is this typical? Well, yes and no. It is typical of THIS administration. But this administration is such an abberation that it makes me sick.

Donnie McDaniel said...

I have to agree with Poetry Man on this one.

QuakerDave said...

Just another day in Crazytown, brought to you by the Republican Party and their attentive little flying monkeys, the Democrats.

G_in_AL said...

Hmmm, so the Dems in Congress are clean little alter boys and girls? Nice quakerdave... nice.

I'm glade to see that cleaning up Washington isnt on your mind... just cleaning up Republican congress...

I love a fresh dose of partisanship in the evening.

shawn (aka blogstud) said...

Just letting you know I agree with divajood.

And g, with the GOP in control of both the administrative and legislative branches of government, I would think the odds are in favor of more GOP dirty laundry. I would suppose betmo would not mind if you came up with a few Democratic fauxs pas.

William Jefferson is a good example. He needs to go.

And I will continue to say this until the dems do something about it--It does not matter how bad the GOP has become, if the dems do not find a better candidate to run in 2008, we will still not win.

Buh-Bye Supreme Court.