Thursday, August 03, 2006

tag you're it!

i have been tagged:

1: One book that changed your life:
"the years of the locust" by loula grace erdman

2: One book you have read more than once:
i am embarrassed to say it is a book called "serial killers" and has bundy, gacy, and quite a few more

3: One book you would want on a desert island:
"war and peace" unabridged. i keep meaning to read it.

4: One book that made you laugh:
i don't read many funny books- but i do have fun reading the harry potter series.

5: One book you wish had been written:
perhaps someone should write a coffee table book about ancient serial killers if and when they were caught.

6: One book you wish had never had been written:

"cujo" was like watching paint dry.

7: One book that made you cry:
"the yearling," "a separate piece," "the red pony"- i am very emotionally involved in my reading.

8: One book you are currently reading:
"our endangered values" by jimmy carter, "lord of chaos" by robert jordan(book six in wheel of time series)

9: One book you have been meaning to read:

"founding mothers" by cokie roberts(it's a loaner from a friend), "the complete book of american presidents" by william degregorio

10: Now tag five people:

the poor mouth

spooky pete

my journey

my crazy life



Anonymous said...

Lots of interest here in true crime. I admit, I've read every book Ann Rule has ever written, but lately, like in the past year or so, when I go to the true crimes section, it all looks creepy and sad and I go to another section.

EAPrez said...

wow - I didn't know what this 'meant' - hope I did it right! Thanks!

Boo said...

betmo!! we have a LOT in common...


DivaJood said...

I'm confused.

billie said...

diva- it's a tag game. if you are tagged- then you post whatever the tagger has posted but with your own info. you link back to the tagger and post your own set of people to tag. they can then do the same thing. kind of like a benevolent chain letter. you can play too if you want. i could only pick 5 folks to tag- and i tried to pick some who many folks may not have seen on the links.

Pete said...


Its really late (2am) in Australia and I must hit the sack. But I take your tag invitation deeply seriously and will do it tomorrow.



Pete said...

My book selections are now on my blog.


Human said...

Pete tagged me. betmo and I have a couple in common.

Peace. It's possible. We just gotta give it a honest chance.