Saturday, August 12, 2006

things that make me go hmmmm...

disagreement over timing of arrests

makes the little light bulb in my brain switch on.


Frederick said...

Wouldn't want to much hay made over Lamants victory, would we....

Donnie McDaniel said...

Well they can always count on the percentage of idiots that still think that WMD's were in Iraq.

Spadoman said...

This doesn't surprise me.

The bottom line that should be remembered here is that the British law enforcement people who foiled this attempt, are long time career people, not some fly-by-night bunch from Bush's or Blair's administration. They were there long before 9/11 and will be there long after. This means whether the Democrats or the Republicans are in office, we can be safe.

I thought you were taking the weekend off Betmo?

Peacechick Mary said...

I'll bet we can expect many more of these pony show things to happen.

Obob said...

damned if you do, damned if you don't

billie said...

i can't rest completely while we are still fighting against this kind of injustice. i won't rest until we have america back.

Chuck said...

Well, they're desperate for an "October Surprise" for the mid-terms, but I thought this was a bit early. Maybe its just the pre-fearmongering leading up to a biggy in late September.

I'm sorry, but I just don't believe any of this terror shit any more. I know there are terrorists out there. There always have been. I know there are a lot more today. I know who created them.

Spadoman said...

fight.....maybe they just want control of their own part of the world and we won't leave them alone because they have the oil.

That's what this government did to the indigenous people of this country. Described as savages, they had to be saved and taught how to be civilized.

Crazy Horse told them that the people did not want their civilization.

Now, we go to Iraq to bring them democracy. Force it down their throats. Build permanant bases, manipulate the candidates. I'd be extreme here as well if the tanks were rumbling down my driveway, and that is whether or not I like George W. Bush.

Anonymous said...

ftgf-You forget that the the Iraqi people WANT us there. And that Saddam murdered thousands of his OWN people, even members of his OWN faimily. No one could stand up against that ruthless dictator.
The people of Iraq VOTED for those 'puppets' you portray.
Do you also realize that it was the Americans that discovered oil in thier OWN countries. They need our money as mush as the WORLD needs the oil.

Donnie McDaniel said...

"ftgf-You forget that the the Iraqi people WANT us there. And that Saddam murdered thousands of his OWN people, even members of his OWN faimily. No one could stand up against that ruthless dictator."

Big words for someone that does not have the balls to post their real identity. Did you miss the part about them wanting to get the US out? Right after the senate vote. Kinda just vanished in the media, but some remember it.

Pure propaganda like the claim that the putrid republican idiot tried to pass off at the same time, about WMD's being found. LOL, step away from the koolaid fountain, and prepare to be enlightened!!

Anonymous said...

KNOWING you would respond in this manner. You have no idea why I have commented anonymously. Yet you have in your arrogance filed an accusation at me without knowing. I did not aimed my comments at you donnie anyhow.

And all you have is to 'point the finger', no real strategy.
An name calling is your defence.

"prepare to be enlightened!!"

And what exactly is that supposed to mean?

WMD's have been found and it is an Historical fact that Saddam pocessed them. What did he use to kill the Kurds? What was the Nuclear Reactor built for in the 1980's?
The biggesst gun in the world was being built by him who aspired to be the reincarnated King of Babylon.
And annexing another Arab State, by invading and mudering it''s civilians is acceptable to you?

Please, get over your 'cut an run' policy and isolationism tactics from the cold war era.