Tuesday, July 18, 2006

things are looking better and better...

here's some more 'good news' from iraq.


Spadoman said...

Dear Friend Betmo,

So sad that the news under the happy face isn't better, but it is good to be back. I'll begin writing in a few days. Gotta get organized, been gone about a month.

Anyway, when first logged on and went to "Life's Journey" and saw your smile, I felt it was you saying hello because I am back in town.


billie said...

welcome back spadoman!!! too bad i couldn't give you better news- but we sure have missed you around here.

jams o donnell said...

Ach Betmo, another bloodbath in the offing by looks of it.

I shudder to think what would constitute bad news! :)

Michael Bains said...

Wouldn't bad news just be something like the Yankee's winning the Series?



Your post has inspired me Betmo.

billie said...

happy to be a muse on such an inspired post-mb