Tuesday, July 18, 2006

please check out this blog

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: Openly debating U.S. involvement in Israel's war

i recently found this blogger on another blogger's site- for the life of me i don't remember which because everyone i link to i learn from(and it takes me almost an hour to read everyone as it is). he makes excellent, intelligent points and really is interesting to read. let me know what you think.


Peacechick Mary said...

Wow, that sure generated a lot of comment fights. It's the same ol, same ol - the neocons and their sheep have taken a position and the rest of us are saying, "Hey wait a minute, let's think this thing through." It's like there is only one solution to any conflict - more conflict. How about if we try something different since the war thing doesn't work. Ah well.

EAPrez said...

Love his site - I've had a link to him for a long time - he's the author of the best seller "how would a patriot act"

dawn said...

i think it is interesting views but I have promised myself not to get into the Isreali thing again. I really don't like the world going to war and selfishly I have 3 sons which i'm hoping won't be drafted.