Saturday, June 17, 2006

summer in upstate new york

after a wet and chilly spring, summer is finally here with a vengeance in upstate new york. it is going to be between 90-94 degrees here for the next few days- and that means humidity too. i have to say that we are lucky here though- there is no place on earth more beautiful than new york in summer. everything is green and it actually smells 'green' too. the streams gurgle and the bees buzz- if that sounds like it came off of a movie set- well, it's not- it's true. i have lived here most of my life and i have to say that i am amazed that the beauty of nature still exists. i am not excited about the heat- but i'll survive.


Dardin Soto said...

One day I will have to visit, being that I have not visited my birthplace of Utica since I was 2! great pic :)

billie said...

ahhh- i knew we had a connection for a reason :) i was born in elmira. i didn't actually take the pic- but it looks exactly like where i am right now- so i downloaded it. i can't be bothered with updating my pictures with digital :)

Dardin Soto said...

I had to look in mapquest for Elmira,... then I went to google earth and took a peek (thanks NSA for the technology!..... just kidding B :)
It really does look like a wonderful place to live. You think its hot there? ... San Jose yesterday? 103 degrees...

billie said...

well, that's why i live here and not there :) my in-laws all live in florida and i lived there for a few years when i was a kid. neither mr. betmo nor myself would care to live there- hot and humid most of the year. typical new york summer- 70's to 80's in late spring and early summer. 80's and 90's in july and august. september is actually my favorite time of year here because it is still warm and the leaves start to change. lovely. too bad the taxes stink. i know, i know- your's are worse. sucker :)

Court Reporter said...

I'll only take exception to your comment that no place is more beautiful than NY in the summer...Michigan is very beautiful in the summertime. And maybe even more humid.
These days, I miss the East during the spring and summer. Not the humidity, mind you, but there is something to be said for a place that doesn't reach 100 degrees in June.