Friday, June 16, 2006

media censorship

please read this post by terrorism news. it is a real eye opener on the media.


Ellie said...

I went and visited. very powerful. That post and the one about the 2,500 Americans who have died in the Iraq War. Bush should really be held accountable somehow. He is responsible for all this torture and death, and it makes me so mad to see him try and divert the public from the real issues here. thousands of people have died, and yet he continues as if he has done nothing wrong. He should be impeached.

billie said...

the frightening part is- he and millions of americans don't believe it is wrong. that is the problem. they stand by this administration and this war- through several lies and incarnations and took up the banner of support through each one. the latest incarnation- democracy in iraq- is the hardest to swallow. i just don't know why they have such blind faith in bushco. they aren't all christians. i believe in america and what america stands for- and this isn't it. thanks for the kind words.