Sunday, June 11, 2006

sound familiar?

  1. often Fascism
    1. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
    2. A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.
  2. Oppressive, dictatorial control.


Sarah said...
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Sarah said...
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billie said...

thanks for the info. this is the slippery slope that we are heading for- not gay marriage.

Frank Partisan said...

This post I'm sorry to say is woefully incorrect.

The term fascism is misused, more often than not.

Fascism occurs when capitalism is in deep crises. Middle class elements are organized against all progressive movements, attempting to totally liquidate them.

A military government, a conservative or even an authoritarian gove. isn't as repressive as a fascist govt.

Sarah said...

You'll need to direct your specific claims to the author of the list, political scientist Dr. Lawrence Britt.

Sarah said...

By the way, I was no way suggesting that the United States is a fascist country. Far from it. I still think America is probably the best place you are going to find the freedom you are looking for. I merely posted the list because some things that have happened in this country under the Bush administration is very striking to what is on the list. That's all I was saying.

billie said...

i am not saying that america is a fascist state- i am saying that we could very easily be headed in this direction. just as we are not a true capitalist nation or true democracy- we might not follow the rule of fascism to the letter. i just found the definition striking given the direction that this country is headed.

Unknown said...

I just don't see it happening. If it did, there would be a civil war. We as a people are too stubborn to just let someone take complete control. It won't be the blue and the grey though, it will probably be the blue and the RED.

billie said...

it is already happening and no one believes that it is happening so that is why it continues. patriot act, homeland security, executive orders signed by the president giving the president almost unlimited authority, domestic spying of everything(mail, internet, phone), secret prisons in foreign countries, using prisons to house and deport illegal aliens, trying desperately to amend the constitution- on and on. it is happening- and we need to stop thinking that this is just politics. this is a fight for our way of life only we are in denial and we are going to lose it.

federal id mandatory- law takes effect may, 2008. will most likely have a tracking chip in it and can be turned off and on. can't access anything without it- banking, transportation, employment- we are in denial.

Sarah said...

Betmo, I was referring to renegade eye. I don't want my posts to give off the wrong message.

I pretty much agree with what you are saying though! : )