Sunday, June 11, 2006

no excuse

there is no excuse for this kind of stupidity.


Spadoman said...

As a Dad who raised three daughters I can tell you. There is NO WAY I would have let any of my kids get a passport ever, let alone in these times, to travel out of the country without either going with her or knowing the adults that were taking her and the entire itinerary.

No excuse is right. Furthermore, you'd think parents would monitor what their children are doing on-line. National spying on what I do as an adult is one issue. But to check on what your children are doing is another. One is breech of personal freedom, the other is supervision and guidance of children.

shawn (aka blogstud) said...

I heard about this story but could not believe it. This is the second time a teen has ended up the the Middle East in the past year or so. Crazy. Have a good one, betmo.