Monday, June 05, 2006

THE NEW ENLIGHTENMENT: Do You Want Another Political Party?

THE NEW ENLIGHTENMENT: Do You Want Another Political Party?

i found this post and it made me say, "yes- like yesterday." take a read- it may surprise you.


Dardin Soto said...

Ellie at Political Hot Spot has a terrific post on the Unity 08 movement. A fusion ticket idea based on running with one member from each party... it sounds oddball, until you start digging and finding out that these folks are grass-roots serious.

Anonymous said...

If we could get back to the idea that politics is the art of compromise instead of the art of "gotcha" lines, we would not need to seek out alternatives.

Spadoman said...

Actually, in my mind, I feel that until ANY political party or politician, or society for that matter is not driven by money, nothing will really change.

Bills are presented and passed with some good legislation. But invariably, there is an attachment for some Congressperson to have their "pork" included.

Power and money corrupt. How can that be changed? Start there, then save America.

billie said...

yes- i read and was inspired by- ellie's discussion. i am looking for right leaning blogs to visit and research to hone my views and have a balanced assessment of these issues. so far, i haven't been overly successful- mostly blogs against muslims and mexicans. i will keep looking. i guess i find it incredible that from these folk's point of view- everything else is ok but the muslims and mexicans. thoughts?