Friday, June 09, 2006

human nature?

it has occurred to me over these past few days, that there has been an awful lot of people taking pleasure out of killing and just general misfortune of others. the words 'evil' and 'deserved to die' come from many lips- and it just seems to me that this shouldn't be. before all of you righties think that i am ganging up on you and singling you out- please let me say- i am not. there are plenty of people on our side feeling glee at the misfortunes of others- myself included. i guess i just don't think that we should celebrate when someone dies- rather we should or should not celebrate the way they lived. it has been a long week and i know that i am rambling and not being as coherent as i try to be usually. i also think that many folks who claim to represent religion and the sanctity of life are doing an awful lot of gloating too. the claim is that god wants us to fight evil. ok- your god may want you to fight evil. fine- but your god also commanded that you not kill others and leave vengeance to him. all my point is- is quite simply- life as a human is a precious thing- and just because we may not agree ideologically doesn't meant that my life is any more precious than yours. if you attack me, and i have to defend myself, it doesn't mean that i am doing it lightly or that i am not going to think of you as less of a human being.

i just hope that we aren't losing sight of the fact that these people are just that- people. human beings are unique and are not expendable. sometimes we fight each other to the death and it is indeed regrettable because each person who is killed was someone's son, daughter, mother, father, brother, sister, etc. each of these people who are killed had a perspective unlike no other and it is a loss. just something to keep in mind before gloating over the death of another human being.


Court Reporter said...

It is interesting, how ideology, especially religious ideology, provides the key to justifying the most atrocious behavior. The worldwide revival of fundamentalism is turning our race into monsters, if you ask me. Dangerous monsters with nukes and way too many evangelical churches preaching the countdown to the end of the world, or mosques with would-be suicide bombers.

The Future Was Yesterday said...

Very nice post, very needed, and very timely. Did I do enough "very's" there?:) Getting real, it's not only the celebration during wartimes of death, but even worse, it is our daily lives. Death is tossed about so casually now. "Three people died in a rollover and two others were injured. Meanwhile, gang members are said to be responsible for the death of a 14 year old gang member....".....and that forkfull of mashed potatoes never pauses on it's trip to our mouth. Until we place greater value on life, we will never have a better life.

Spadoman said...

bgcBetmo......Great insight here. So many people look at everything as "we" and "they". My side vs. their side. Us against them.

Samuel Clemmens wrote the perfect article describing how we bless our troops and blow the others to kingdom come. I'll look for it and post it when I get time.

Personally, I have learned from my teachings and later life experiences that hatred is evil. Love is the answer for peace. Someday I'll expound on that as well.
