Wednesday, June 07, 2006

good summation

"You might not have always liked Republicans, but you could count on them to manage the bank. They might be lousy tippers, act snooty, talk through their noses, wear spats and splash mud on you as they race their Pierce-Arrows through the village, but you knew they could do the math. To see them produce a ninny and then follow him loyally into the swamp for five years is disconcerting, like seeing the Rolling Stones take up lite jazz. So here we are at an uneasy point in our history, mired in a costly war and getting nowhere, a supine Congress granting absolute power to a president who seems to get smaller and dimmer, and the best the Republicans can offer is San Franciscophobia? This is beyond pitiful. This is violently stupid.

It is painful to look at your father and realize the old man should not be allowed to manage his own money anymore. This is the discovery the country has made about the party in power. They are inept. The checkbook needs to be taken away. They will rant, they will screech, they will wave their canes at you and call you all sorts of names, but you have to do what you have to do.
"- garrison keillor

i found this gem at rising hegemon. garrison has an article published over at salon.


Martyn said...

That's what did for the British Conservatives in the 1990s. They seriously mishandled the economy and went into meltdown, they're only just now beginning to recover. They lost their reputation for economic competence and they've not yet got it back.

billie said...

hopefully that is happening here and they will never get it back. i want my country back with it's intact constitution and an economy that is not in the toilet thank you very much. i do like your shiny, happy picture. :)

Mary said...

That's encouraging martyn.

Dardin Soto said...

Lets see,.. what to do with this big ol' softball coming at me right down the plate.....
Nah... I'll pass... I've already pissed off enough folks in one week :)

Guerrillas in the Midst said...

Blogger's been down, so hopefully this works...

Here's the scoop regarding the guitar stuff. It's going to be a letdown, sort of, so sorry for that!

Flibbum's getting married this summer and I'm playing guitar for the ceremony. He and his wife-to-be asked me to learn Canon in D. So I've been learning Canon in D which has actually required a lot of practice as you might expect, particularly if I'm expected to embellish it with my own twists.

I found that video and posted it in order to provide a wildly unrealistic presentation of what they should expect. I have to play it on an acoustic guitar outside! For 30 people!

I don't know who that guy is that played it--no one else on You Tube seems to know either because it's been reposted from so many other places.

Perhaps...PERHAPS, some day I'll put on a ski mask and play it, upload it to YouTube. I would only do this with you in mind, betmo, because you've been such a sport!

billie said...

i'll just have to keep coming to your site to listen :) you'll do fine. go, play and have a really good time. :)

dawn said...

I was hoping to see something on Ann Coulter. Have you read the papers about her book?