Wednesday, June 07, 2006

shout out

i wanted to take an opportunity to thank everyone who posts here- whether we agree to disagree or not- from the left and right and somewhere in the middle. all of your comments are welcome and all of them valid- as they offer a different perspective to the mix. sometimes it gets a little tense and heated but you all are still welcomed back to go again on another topic. thanks to that little minority of opposing views for continuing to come back even when the numbers are against you. your opinions are valid. please keep coming. i feel like i am at the oscars giving my acceptance speech- so thanks to you all. let's do it again soon. betmo


shawn (aka blogstud) said...

You're welcome, and thanks for the great material. You write well and you keep it interesting. Shawn

Dardin Soto said...

Betmo, you are my favorite non-conservative GF... with (with Sarah and Ellie breathin' down your neck...)
I love your material, even when I raise and eyebrow at its content and go... "what the F**k is she talking about?"... Kudos homegirl.

Spadoman said...

Thank you Betmo.

Unknown said...

Reading your blog has cause me more than once to research topics I wouldn't have otherwise. And, that alone, makes it a wonderful read. Giving your readers the opportunity to debate these issues is priceless.