Saturday, June 03, 2006

couple of newsy blogs

i found a couple of newsy type blogs that i think are neat. nations in crisis highlights nations around the world and what the big issues are. for example, i did not know that montenegro declared their independence 2 days ago. anyway, check it out- it is enlightening and if nothing else will broaden the borders of america.

terrorism news is not just about terrorism- it is also news from places you may not be familiar with like united kingdom and venezuela :) neat.

for some good old fashioned politics- uncommon sense. check it out.


Dardin Soto said...

These are cool blogs,... i like things that are different and can fill some of the knowledge holes in my plate...
With due respect :) I will stay away from the citizen lies one... I just can't take one more Bush-bash blog,.. there is nothing new for me to digest from that and it just bakes me.
I been following your postings here and there,.. you get around :)

billie said...

that's fine- it was more about content. would love to hear your thoughts and ideas on information mining, and domestic spying. if you couldn't tell- i am 130% against it. would love to have a real discussion about this topic. your post or mine? :)

Dardin Soto said...

you know... that is the one hot topic that I am pretty ambivalent about and I'm not sure why it doesn't stir my sense of urgency as it does you....
But i'm taking the bait. As I roam the sandy beaches of California Today I will think about the whole Domestic spying thing and start a posting on it.
As always, your blog gives me plenty of Batmo to think about (Betmo and Ammo fused just now :)