Saturday, June 03, 2006

please stop by...

citizen against lies and read the most recent post on the nsa spying. if that doesn't get your panties in a bunch- i don't know what will. folks- we not only do not have a free press- we have zero privacy. everything that you say or do through the phone lines, internet, skype- what have you- is going to be monitored by the government. big brother has arrived. this is important. please don't get caught up in the gay marriage amendment thing. even if it passes the congress- there is no way it will be ratified by the states and bushco knows this. it's a smokescreen like the immigration thing. please don't be fooled.


Frank Partisan said...

Bush fools less people each day.

Dardin Soto said...

I do agree on the stupidity and paranoia the Right has with the Marriage ammendment. I already wrote to my Senator, and had some choice words for him...

Unknown said...

Personally, I don't think this is anything new. We have been spied upon since the sixties, or at least since Hoover, so its nothing new to me. To be secure as a nation, I think its a small price to pay. Unless you got something to hide.