Sunday, April 09, 2006

why cats are better than kids...

this just in from india: donkeys are better than women. i guess hindu conservatives are the same as any other conservatives. i just don't get the mentality that some people mean more than others. now, the article claims that it was said in humor. call me crazy but since when are textbooks supposed to be funny? i thought that they were supposed to be factual. the thing that i am not laughing about is the fact that there is some man out there- whether in india or elsewhere- that does believe that women are worth less than animals. that is the scary part about the conservative mindset- it is largely patriarchal and macho- be it christian, jewish, muslim or hindu. i guess i just hoped that in the 21st century we started seeing people as people- man, woman, black, white or brown. i guess not. anyway, i have cats and not kids- by choice. not because the cats are better (although any time spent at the grocery store is sure to change my mind). i guess it is as good a comparison as any.

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