Wednesday, April 05, 2006

as kosher as i wanna be...

looks like that ole' time religion has gotten a shot of modernity. apparently, ultra-orthodox jews in israel have decided that they want to live in the 21st century as opposed to the 1st(don't know what that translates to in the jewish calendar). now, the crux of the article is that the rabbis basically had to put up or shut up when it came to their flock having cell phones. like any good religious leaders, the rabbis went in search of a product that would remove tempting worldly vices such as sex lines, pornography, text messaging and the like. not surprisingly, there is a large market for a stripped down phone in the conservative religious community.

now, i am not coming out on the side of technology per se- i mean i think that there are too many distractions out there sometimes- and i certainly don't see the harm in having a basic model of anything. my big problem is, again, the fact that the religious world is trying to remove temptations from the faithful. i am increasingly perplexed by this. i am not picking on the jews here- the crackpot evangelicals in america are trying to do the same thing- and the radical islamists already have. the issue is- you either believe in god and that way of life- or you don't. people make mistakes and it is my understanding that god and/or jesus is a forgiving god. it is your faith that is called into question when you attempt to remove temptations to your faith. your way of life- not mine.

anyhoo, to drive my point home- if a person chooses to believe in god and chooses to be faithful to a certain religion, then it is up to that person to avoid or overcome the 'worldly' temptations. so, religious leaders stop the madness and just guide your flocks- not control them.

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