Wednesday, April 26, 2006

secret prisons in a democracy?

can someone explain to me why we are crucifying the alleged whistleblower in the cia secret prisons 'leak?' can someone explain to me why we have secret prisons in a democracy? can someone explain why we aren't scared out of our fucking minds that this administration maintains more than one secret prison around the world- and is pissed that we found out about it? does it occur to anyone that anyone who opposes this administration- or subsequent conservative administrations- could 'disappear' into those prisons and no one would be the wiser? fyi- that's what happened in the gulags of the soviet union and the wilds of el salvador- to name a couple.

i am amazed that the media is allowing the gop to spin this into an anti-patriotic deal with the nature of the issue. let me say it again people- SECRET PRISONS MAINTAINED BY THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. let's not sit by and wring our hands or pretend that this is a national security issue- or allow ourselves to think that it's only the arabs and they deserve it. it is only a small step from that line of thinking to losing our democracy and we are headed that way.

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