Wednesday, March 03, 2010

good grief! beware the ides of march...

so, march is coming in like a lion for me- and not just in the weather sense... i can't say when i have been more mentally exhausted and i must say- i don't like it one bit... luckily, they say that bad things happen in threes so i must have reached my quota by now.

i really need to regroup myself and take a deep breath. things are settling down for my sister at least- she is safely ensconced in her classes and keeping up with her schoolwork and we are putting a positive spin on her crap ass job putting her to part time as a punishment. she wasn't hired for saturdays- and she was hired for the day shift- 7a-3p- and she can work 6 out of the 7 days a week but because she can't work saturdays- she loses a day of work. yep. the woman said to her 'well, you are going to go on to bigger and better things and make more money'- uh huh- in two years buttcrack. sigh. but she is persevering. this will give her a chance to have some time to breathe and as long as she can keep the job- she won't have to look for another part time job. all's good.

i decided to pick her up on her late night once a week as the bus is unreliable for some reason. other than that- and mom worrying- life is settling down. mom worries about her eating and sleeping and keeping the pace. so, i pick up the slack because the woman is decrepit as shit. she tries- but she tires easily- so i do the standing and cooking and she does the sitting and chopping. it works. i don't. and i am glad for it at this point. i have been unsuccessful in my quest for a simple, no brain part time job. apparently, folks want you to do full time work in a part time time frame and pay scale. fuck off is what i say. so, after a mini meltdown- i think i am ok. i have been so very angry at the way shit has changed so quickly- and not for the better. allegedly, modern life is supposed to be time saving and easier than our forebears. i think i'll take the scurvy thank you very much. geez... did i mention the topper was getting pulled over for running an orange light? did not get a ticket though- hubby's good luck must be rubbing off because left on my own- i'd have ended up in jail... he pulled me over to warn me. nice guy. i'm thinking goldmine for them because after i pulled out, two other people were pulled over further up the street. sigh...

did i mention march has kind of sucked so far? i am exhausted..... and tom cat tells me coffee is pricing up.... sigh....


TomCat said...

Thanks for the linkage, Betmo. You're good fortune with the cops must be good karma for all the crops you've fertilized and chickens you've fed.

Unknown said...

I've worked in the non-profit human services sector and now in the public school. At least the latter has a union.

The NPs were hideous. You'd think the people running you would understand the system is set up to fuck you over by making you do full-time work in a part-time job or if you have a full-time job already (FT usually means 32-38 hours a week, not 40), asking you to do your job and another PT job on top of it. AND get shit for it because the boss doesn't understand why you can't get everything done and please everyone and cater to all the outside parties involved in the "collaboration".

Ugh. I'm glad things are making sense for your sister. You are lucky to have each other close by. Wish my girls and I could all be closer geographically. We talk everyday. I swear, I spend about 2 hrs. a day on the phone with one of them or my mother! It's a good thing. :-)

Chin-up, sweetie. You'll soon be wallowing in garden dirt! :-)

lots of love