Friday, October 10, 2008

do ya really want 'hackey maam' palin

to be president? do ya really think that she deserves to go ta jail? you betcha!!!

"Like some senior officials in the Bush administration, Palin has allegedly used a private email account to conduct official government business. Palin used and to conduct some state business.

A congressional report concluded last year that more than 80 Bush administration officials used private e-mail accounts to conduct official business, in violation of the Presidential Records Act.

Former White House political adviser Karl Rove used an email account maintained by the Republican National Committee to conduct 95 percent of White House business, according to congressional investigators in what appeared to be a violation of the Presidential Records Act. "


mooselini gets a smack down from alaska legislature

update 2:

bible spice bills taxpayers for church trips

"What she didn't tell worshippers gathered at the Wasilla Assembly of God church in her hometown was that her appearance that day came courtesy of Alaskan taxpayers, who picked up the $639.50 tab for her airplane tickets and per diem fees."

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