Tuesday, July 15, 2008

saving the good stuff

for the few folks still here around on the internets :) has it occurred to anyone else besides me and like 2 other people (who can safely remain anonymous :) that we are being corralled here in america? it's kind of looking that way to me. the only ways out are being effectively closed- and most folks don't even grasp that situation.

there's the mexican border fence- i mean how many folks does it really keep out when corporates bus illegals into the country? let's not forget the nasco corridor. and now, apparently, we are teaching the mexican folks torture techniques (although i am sure they do just fine on their own).

and don't think that you can head north- canada is deporting war deserters- so i doubt they will be open to refugees. and if you think you can catch flight to europe or anywhere else- think again- plus, you would have to wear a bracelet.


jmsjoin said...

I am one of the two and have4 no wish to remain anonymous but would like to see people wake up and quick because time is almost out! Funny but I was just listening to a Canadian Lawyer say it is time for Canada to start standing up to Bush like the rest of the world!
At this point I can only laugh because most aren't smart enough to see what is happening. They are damning us all but some of us will be okay have no fear! people do not realize they can now be totally controlled by the decider and laws said to keep the enemy out are also to keep you in. Troops on the border, National ID, search your mail, break into your house, yhep it's fopr your own good!

eaprez said...

I wanna move to the netherlands.

The Future Was Yesterday said...

Funny you should bring that up. I've been pondering a post about why is it everybody hates everybody else in this world, but for years now, dozens of individuals of all different nations have rode in cramped quarters on top of rocket......

This admin can't make a financial model beyond the second grade level, but yet explorers were designed that worked, crawling over Mars surface looking, sniffing, writing home......
