Monday, October 15, 2007

i am not leaving...

but i think i am getting sick so i am not going to be blogging here for awhile. i have a series of posts at the sirens this week and i am happy to report that my buddies dawn and spado are joining the cast of characters over there within the next few weeks. dusty will be back in the saddle and folks may actually have a choice as to whether or not to read my cr-- uh- i mean posts :) with folks leaving their political blogs in droves- i didn't want to worry anyone.

i have to be honest though- i don't really have anything to say anymore. it might be my sinuses typing but i feel grief through and through. death has come to this part of the world. death to our constitution and death to the idea that was our country- our republic. i think that what grieves me most is the fact that so many of my fellow americans are gleefully complicit in the destruction of our world and of our planet. limbaugh's audience is 13.5 million listeners and he told them today that he would continue to wash his 5 cars every day in spite of the drought in his state- because it is protecting his investment. and who worries about global warming anyway? 13.5 million people who hang on his every word.

i am headed over to enigma's cafe for a spot of tea. come join me if you want- take a tool around and visit the blogs mentioned in this post- and feel free to chat it up. i'll be back soon.


Larry said...

Hurry back we will miss you and we need another voice to help fight.

Larry said...

This, in my judgment, is the highest philosophy: First, do not regret having lost yesterday; second, do not fear that you will lose tomorrow; third, enjoy today."

Robert Ingersoll

The Future Was Yesterday said...

Goodluck with your other endeavors, and don't let whatever bug it is drag you down. Bugs and blogging can be depressing. Honestly.

Limbaugh: I doubt that fat bastard has washed a car in a long, long time. Another in a series of continuing lies.

fjb said...

There's so much that's wrong with the world, and sometimes the feeling that nothing is going to change can become overwhelming and depressing. Just remember that changes for the better don't usually come about without a long, hard struggle. Occasionally you just need take some time for yourself to breathe and recharge. Enjoy your tea.

Chuck said...

You are needed Betmo.

Everyday I wake up wondering how in the hell this all happened so fast. And then I realize this shit has been in the works since Poppy was handed power.