Tuesday, September 11, 2007


i don't 'do' sappy 9/11 remembrance posts for a reason. i feel that a brief moment of silence is appropriate to acknowledge loss but that anything more is not moving forward. it is unfortunate that over 3,000 americans lost their lives 6 years ago- but we hit the 4,000 mark (officially) in iraq. who is more important? of course, the 'tally' doesn't include the foreign folk who worked in the towers- or the thousands of iraqi citizens killed. here's the deal- the families of the 9/11 victims remember their loved ones every single day- but most have moved on. that's life. isn't it about honoring the lives and not wallowing around the deaths? we can remember without the propagandist displays by our current leaders- and most do. that's honoring the dead.


Larry said...

Do the meaningless words of a president or a potential president, who wrap their arms around the shoulders of war really mean anything.

We hear the same babble from the president responsible for death, and America's phony version of mayor that only promote their own agendas, not honor the fallen.

Sornie said...

I did a remembrance post last year but with the secrecy surrounding certain details of the attacks, the doubt is building as so many don't believe the "official" story from that day (myself included).

Anonymous said...

You already saw how I feel about it. My thoughts are with decoupling the horrors of September 11 from Chimpy's agenda, and I just don't see that happening anytime soon.

shawn (aka blogstud) said...

you are right, b. but I hope you don't hate me for doing a sappy sept 11 post, cause I did. I mainly do it because I think it is not a day for me to be on my soapbox. and I also do it just in case someone who lost someone close reads the post. that way they know that other regular people are thinking about them, not just pols. trying to score some points.

but none of this takes away from you being right (as usual). part of healing is indeed moving on.

have a wonderful day, b.

enigma4ever said...

ok...this is so strange every time I post here my comments disspear ? what is up ?am I doing something wrong?

billie said...

if anyone else is having issues with posting here- comment not showing up and whatnot- email me. chuck also had some issues a while back and i know blogger was tinkering the other day. hopefully it will be resolved :)