Thursday, November 02, 2006

the state of american education

The Quaker Agitator: Another reason why Bill Moyers would get my vote if he ran for President.

i will never understand this country. we have always been 2 nations- the facade and the real. the real ain't lookin' too hot these days. thanks for the heads up qd.


Anonymous said...

Anything with the word "urban" in it is code, plain and simple.

The Future Was Yesterday said...

Then there's the other facade behind what we're trained to call the real America.....

Hey...your graphic there, Toys For Tots. I worked with that organization for many, many years, and I can tell you it's a first class operation, ran by first class people, in a most transparent way!! It is one of the very few organizations I can visit, and come home feeling better than I went.

Anonymous said...

Bill Moyer's rocks. Is this the same article that was on my blog? I couldn't open this link for some reason.

Great piece.