Tuesday, October 10, 2006

must read!!!!

In the Details: American Prison Camps Are on the Way


Anonymous said...

Absolutely hideous. I just shake my head in utter disbelief and shock at what has transpired. On our soil. Against us. By OUR own government.

Anonymous said...

And another thing...forgive me, but this really, really chaps me. Halliburton was in the tank, as in bankrupt, before Darth named himself (remember that infamous search committee headed by Darth to recommend a vp to dubya) as the vp of choice for our very own chimperor. And I know, I know, you're saying, say it ain't so, but wasn't it just so coincidental *cough* that Halliburton's fortunes were almost immediately reversed. Oh, this so chaps me. You just don't know. BTW, Halliburton is despised in Texas by the common working man and woman. Utterly despised.

Dardin Soto said...

Interesting. I'm not into drinking anybody's kool aid, no matter what the angle; but i will do some snooping and get back to you on this. Half the stories about bush is like Bonds on Steroids,.. bigger than they should be.

shawn (aka blogstud) said...

hey b, this is just too scary and it is just too early in the morning for me to digest this.

I hope it is not true, but the rule of thumb I have come to follow with Bush is, if the rumor is bad, it is probably true.....

thanks for the warning.

Anonymous said...

This just PISSES ME OFF!!!

If you haven't yet, go read HCG's thoughts on this, I agree with her 1000%.

EAPrez said...

Scarey aint it? Elements of this story have been out there for a while now.