Wednesday, October 18, 2006

first the holy rollers now the government

well, that didn't take long now did it? bloggers are again under assault- from the right it looks like. apparently, the government has got its panties in a bunch that we bloggers are spreading bad news around the internet. martial law in '08? doesn't sound so illogical does it?

"the white house will target american citizens for propagating information they deem harmful to the interests of the us government, then classify them as enemy combatants. this is codified in section 948a of the military commissions act of 2006"

bush signed the act this week.


Anonymous said...

You've been posting quite a bit lately, friend. :)

This is more in reference to several posts back regarding the church/government relationship, but your title makes it appropriate here as well...

who is controlling whom?

Dardin Soto said...

If you look at it clinically, GWB signed a Bill that had what was mandated to him by the Supreme Court, Judicial Review by a Circuit Court. It had that and many other oversight markers. Is it perfect?... nothing coming out of congress is, thats why its called sausage-making. I wish it was clearer, better, more in line to my libertarian way of thinking as far as liberties go,... but this is not the flame-thrower of a law that is being portrayed. This from a non-Bush supporter. I'm just looking at it with no emotion,.. just the facts. It's called politics. And every President has signed B.S. Bills like this from the dawn of our country. It's not going to stop with the Donkey in the white house in 2008, of that I can be assured.
(BTW, thanks for correcting me on my post,...ooops! :-)

billie said...

no- you are correct. i am advocating getting the repubs out because of the authoritarianism that is 99% conservative/republican- according to the empirical evidence from altemeyer, et al. 1% being the far left. when you look at those numbers- democrats in control of congress for a session or two doesn't seem so bad. my thought is- we, the progressives, independents, libertarians, sane individuals- need to buy ourselves some time to get a moderate, sensible movement going and i think we can- but people have to understand the severity of what is going on. hey, if i am in the minority here- i will put up and shut up- because we get the government that we deserve. "democracy is not a spectator sport" i believe mr. dean said. if we are too lazy, busy, complacent- whatever to take care of this congress and then this party- we deserve what we get.

billie said...

as for your cartoon jc- yes it is a symbiotic circle. the repubs clearly whip up the base when needed but the religious nut jobs raise money, campaign, vet local and state repub party candidates BEFORE primaries in some areas- and act as a filter if you will. so- parasites using parasites. too bad that they don't use each other up and be done with it.

Peacechick Mary said...

Yeah, well I say, "Propagate THIS" you turds of an administration. I don't think they will have an easy time getting Americans not to have their opinions and voicing them.

Frederick said...

could you fix that second link, I fixing to raise a stink, want all my duck in a row

billie said...

it is only a temporary link. apparently, you have to find it everytime you want to look at it. i just googled it. quicker. it is the official library of congress site.

Sarah said...

Well, this sounds comforting....

Donnie McDaniel said...

Yea right, regulate me? HAHAHAHA!!

shawn (aka blogstud) said...

hey b, you and I are both screwed.

if they give you a phone call, you can call me....
