Sunday, September 17, 2006

disgraceful and unamerican

U.S. holds AP photographer in Iraq 5 mos

U.S. war prisons legal vacuum for 14,000

and- it's about time for this one- shameful and disgraceful also:

Compromise may be coming on CIA program

i don't care what excuses these people give for using these tactics- this is unamerican and disgraceful- as well as illegal. there is never an excuse to hold people without charging them indefinitely- and there is never an excuse for torture. not if you are an american.


billie said...

their whole platform is going up in flames. they are just too desparate and in their bubble to figure out that their reign of terror is coming to an end. good riddance to bad rubbish. seriously, are there really 13,000 terrorist suspects? ridiculous.

Unknown said...

When I saw all the stories you linked to this weekend it made me sick, physically. I can not believe, with all the prominent people speaking out against the Shrub and his plan, that the legislative branch will cave in on this.

If they do, our last hope is the Supremes handing Georgie his ass again..and thats slim at best.

billie said...

well, we could count on scalito doing what it does best- kiss the bush's ass. if we don't keep pressure on the congress, all is lost. the supremes are too much of a wild card. we have to keep supporting the dissenters and keep vocal through the elections.

shawn (aka blogstud) said...

I know. I saw a number that said it might be 14k. This is just crazy and you are right about the torture.

Some people joke about it, but Bush really does think he can just do whatever he wants.

It is good to see that some of the harshest criticism of his programs lately has come from Republicans though I am not sure they care more about principle than just getting re-elected.

enigma4ever said...

It is time to get rid of this Dicktator Regime- sorry bt Bush is nuts- dangerous...time to end the Emperor's New Clothes Regime- and the naked truth ain't pretty.

Sarah said...

Wow - I don't even know what to say!

However, I eagerly await the excuses.

Thanks for keeping me up on the news, Betmo.

Frederick said...

It is UnAmerican.

Peacechick Mary said...

This mess is not only unamerican, it's world-class mean and ugly. The horrid part of it is that many in the world think, this what we are in America. They don't know that we want it to stop and can't - yet.

No said...

I've noticed your recent use of captial letters..what's up with that?

billie said...

the capitals come through cut and paste :) i don't do it on purpose. i suppose i could use proper sentence structure- i just figured why bother? :)

EAPrez said...

It is absolutely illegal. The prez knows that as well as Cheney, Rumsfeld and all the others who gave the nod for water boarding and all the other torturous things that we were told were the result of 'a few bad apples'. The push is on for a retroactive law to cover their asses before a power shift occurs in Novembers. Bastards. Seems to me if the articles of the Geneva Convention were so darn confusing then the meetings this week at the UN are a perfect time to bring that up!!!!!!!! They won't bring them up because WE are the only ones who have trouble with it. We are doing the exact same things that Pinochet did to his people. Where is the outrage. Why isn't the news using the T word to describe what this president is asking for. Why are our elected representatives NEGOTIATING for torture. I hate these people.