Friday, August 04, 2006

i think i need chocolate

it is any absolutely gorgeous day here today. there is a nice cool breeze and the sun was out for a bit but not too hot. you know- the kind of days i used to post about way back in june and july? anyhoo- i wanted to publicly acknowledge that the heat has dissipated here and i can go back to being only marginally crabby and cantankerous. my heart is not completely free to enjoy it however- yes it is because i apparently have a bleeding heart. i am just glad that i have a heart at all. i can't help but think about the flood victims here in my area cleaning up and having their homes demolished. homes with lifetimes of memories gone in a flash. i think about the folks in the gulf coast who are in the same boat a year later- and some who lost loved ones to katrina. i think about the arab and jewish families in israel, palestine, lebanon and iraq who have lost everything and some who have lost everything- again. i think about the folks in africa who go to sleep in refugee camps with no food because otherwise they would be killed or maimed. i think about the poor in south america who are losing their rainforests for no reason other than greed.

i think about the path that america is heading down. i think about that and my heart grows sad indeed. i don't think chocolate is going to be enough.


? said...

Fantastic post. What a lovely blog. Found this link via your comment on redwine.

sandy said...

As bad as things are, I have to believe that there will be a wave of change in this country. We just need new leadership.
Aside from that, here's some good reading:

sandy said...

Of course, I do keep a lot of Lindt's chocolates around.

billie said...

my husband loves those. he actually brought me home a hershey bar with almonds. comfort food :)

thanks obokun- i went to your place about 3 times because your recent post is peaceful to look at. :)

Human said...

Someone has to bleed for others. Empathy and Compassion are Blessings.

So is Chocalate :)


Sarah said...

I always try to stay thankful for everything I do have. I am rich because I have family, friends, and a safe place to live.

Betmo, do not apologize for the empathy you possess. You are part of a very unique minority in this world. When others are setting aside their morality for money and power, you are remembering the best thing to own is a conscious and a heart.

It is those with "bleeding" hearts that change the world and make us a better people. Bravo Betmo!

shawn (aka blogstud) said...

Although chocolate is a wonderful thing, I am a chocoholic, too, you are right. It cannot cure all the things you mention.

But what can start to make things better is more wonderful open-minded people like yourself who also have open hearts.

I often feel the same way you describe lately. Sometimes I wonder how I can keep on caring, but I still do. The world will never be perfect in our lifetime, but we must keep trying.

You are doing more than your part by writing this blog and sharing yourself and your thoughts with the rest of us. We cannot make people listen. We can only tell people how we feel.

I hope we have a legislative regime change in November, but I also hope that if we do, the Democrats will remember the mistakes the GOP has made, and also remember why they are currently the minority party.

Have a wonderful, cool, weekend.

p.s. I kinda like the cantankerous betmo.

Spadoman said...

Chocolate is good

in summer it melts so fast

try popsickles now

Peacechick Mary said...

Betmo, it's because you can make the connection to others that you are truly a compassionate woman - meaning a woman of passions. Thank heavens you have that capacity. Because those who run this thuggery government don't have it, are promoting such horrible pain in others. Keep the chocolate coming and keep the feelings strong. Things will change.

No said...

Caramel is good, but I'm afraid I had too many mouthfuls.. I od ed (You know do you spell that?)..I'm on a sugar high... I forgot.