Thursday, July 06, 2006

so much for freedom of the press

got this head's up over at rising hegemon:

"The military has started censoring many [embedded reporting] arrangements. Before a journalist is allowed to go on an embed now, [the military] check[s] the work you have done previously. They want to know your slant on a story — they use the word slant — what you intend to write, and what you have written from embed trips before. If they don't like what you have done before, they refuse to take you. There are cases where individual reporters have been blacklisted because the military wasn’t happy with the work they had done on embed."

'That's from Rod Nordland, Newsweek's former Baghdad bureau chief.'

so- it has nothing to do with the actual story- they try to figure out if you will print their story before even having a story. sort of like planting stories in major newspapers- oh wait...


Peacechick Mary said...

They could just stay home and write up what the military tells them and then stand in front of a fake backdrop and give us the scoop or is that poop. Then again, why bother at all.

Unknown said...

The military is just being carefull. With all the lies and coverups they have to make sure a reporter is part of the team (group think)

Court Reporter said...

...because the current reporting is so incredibly anti-military anyway...

shawn (aka blogstud) said...

If the reporter's previous work contained something that was not factually correct, then the military should address it with the publication or network. If not, then that reporter should be able to go. betmo is right, freedom of the press means the public has a right to know.

Obob said...

This is nothing new, the military has done this before and will do it again. Please remember they censored letters home in WWII. And don't think the legendary Ernie Pyle wasn't reeled in now and then. I stand strongly aganist censorship, by de facto and de jour. But information is power, read Sun Tzu's Art of War. Let us understand these jackels we are fighting are intelligent and can read between the lines. Bin Laden has used our press clippings and referred to our domestic news in his rants, he gets it. And yes I have read the Constitution a couple times, before I get questioned on it being more than decoration. If you kick back and read it, it is the manifesto which those we are fighting wish to destroy, not Democrats you silly ... you know, the party boys: Islamofacsits, Communists, Nazis, Klansmen and so on ... don't say Republicans or Libertarians, we are in this together.

billie said...

i don't advocate telling war strategies or locations in time of war. i am staunchly pro-troops and anti current regime. however, the press is not supposed to write flattering or unflattering stories- it is supposed to write the truth. i am sorry to say that i don't think that there is much good news coming out of the war theater these days or many days past. you can't write about what isn't there. war is ugly and war is deadly- and that is what is being reported. things like haditha and the green affair are not flattering- and certainly should not be tried in the court of public opinion- but the stories should be told even if it isn't flattering. why? because this regime is recruiting folks with mental illnesses, now they are recruiting foreign folks to act as mercenaries from the phillippines, guam, india, mexico- we need to know that this is why there won't be a draft. so that americans don't have to sacrifice anything and the current regime doesn't lose anymore ground.

DivaJood said...

There will be approved authors and artists; there will be approved films; there will be censorship like you won't believe.

Oh, wait. That's already happening.