Wednesday, July 05, 2006

secret confession....

that's not a real secret for those who know me- i am a true crime junkie. love to read and watch tv programs on serial killers and forensics. not because i am morbid- but because i really think that the science behind catching these folks is really cool. my favorites are court tv, a and e, america's most wanted. i also catch the discovery channel's health channel for dr. g medical examiner. i have many favorite books- but i really like patricia cornwell. her kay scarpetta novels are the best and i really enjoyed 'portrait of a killer- jack the ripper closed.' one of my other favorites is 'the ultimate evil- the truth about the cult murders:son of sam and beyond' by maury terry. good stuff. now that i have freaked myself out watching fbi profilers and serial killers- i will try and get some sleep :)


dawn said...

Hey Betmo, I hope yooour weekend was good. Now about mystery/crime writers you might want to read Kay Hooper. She has a series about a psychic FBI unit. I really liked the series. I also recently read the Alex Cross Series by James Patterson. I started one and then Read about 11 sequels.I've got to say my favorite writer is still Janet Evanovich. Her One on TOp series is hilarious and she writes like she's one of us. So if you want to read a book and smile, she's your girl.

5th Estate said...

it's the application of science and reason that identifies and protects us from the extremes of humanity and maintains a a general balance in the affairs of human kind. These are self-invented tools, not absolute but largely acceptable to a majority by virtue of experience and intelligence that let us kearn from our past, shape our present and determine our future. Criminality is an affront to the highest of human ideals, but to be interested by it is not not necessarily morbid, but practical--though a base part of the human condition, it is still a part and should be understood and examined. I doubt it will ever be eliminated, but it can be mitigated and minimized as long as it is accepted as a factor and examined with reason.
I'm an atheist, but if there is a "GOD" then the reason and intellect which humans have somehow acquired gives us the tools to make our own way and manage our own affairs.
Sorry I'm extrapolating now so I'll stop. The important thing is to use one's mind, whether God-given or developed by chance, to learn and apply one's learning to the present and the future.
Roger, over, and out

Frank Partisan said...

James Patterson is great.

OJ must have sent ripples through you.

Sarah said...

A&E addict here : )

Obob said...

movies that involve the dead walking, day of the dead and night of the living dead. little vices make us human

billie said...

shhh- don't tell anyone obob :)

Unknown said...

Betmo, I knew I liked you!

I live for these shows...the only reruns I don't mind watching.

As for reading, I have not read any Patricia Cornwell (although, I own her books...I hardly have time to read the blogs...), but I have been dipping my toe in (a chapter at a time...should be done by the end of the next decade) to reading Kathy Reichs ("Bones" is based on the main character in her novels).

Watching these crime documentaries is as close to "reality" shows as I get.