Thursday, July 20, 2006

interesting statistics

found this over at 'if americans knew'- found the graphs helpful for the info to just pop out at you.


QUASAR9 said...

Hi Betmo, thanks for your visit.
I've said my piece on this issue.

If Israel can do this, then I shall shed no tears when it is done to Israel

Nazi walked over Checoslovaquia, then got gredy and 'stronger' and then thought they were unstoppable.

These israeli people are no more god's chosen people than hezbollah are god's army.

What Israel's leader are doing is what Milosevic & Serbs were doing, yet bizarrely (well not really) Israel has the blessing of son of bush & son of blair.

They have fallen beyond my contempt

Obob said...

cute numbers, but if you look at the grand picture, the Israelis have been fughting for their lives for 60 years. go israel

EAPrez said...

Go Israel? Since when have we started having cheer leading for war? What a depraved way to look at the world. I don't think God and his angels are up in heaven cheering for one side or the other - but are grieving over each and every life lost --- ON BOTH SIDES.

billie said...

so have the palestinians.

Obob said...

Yes I took a side, so be it. I care little for violence and loss of life. But sometimes you do have to take sides, I'm with Israel. The Israelis want to exist; Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria, Iran and the list goes on, want the opposite. Are there collateral casualities? Tragically yes, but look at the strategy of Israel's enemies over the decades.

DivaJood said...

How many Israelis recruit young men, train them to strap explosives to their bodies to get onto busses, and blow themselves up?

The Jewish people have been on the receiving end of the world's collective hatred and mistrust for centuries. It's easy to focus the blame on Israel. Quite easy to do so. It's easy to ignore the intentions of Israel's neighbors, because frankly, unless one is a Jew, or Fundamentalist Christian, the survival of Israel is not terribly important.

This issue is more complex than the graphs indicate. One more time, I am not advocating Israel's excessive use of force - but I cannot keep silent when I see posts that only single out Israel as wrong.

Hezbollah's sworn goal is the elimination of Israel by 2025. Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, and Hamas have stated repeatedly that they want to drive Israel into the sea. That the only good Jew is a dead Jew.

400,000 Israelis are opposed to the use of force against Palestinians; and want an immediate cease fire in Lebanon (this includes Olmert's daughter.) Where are the anti-violence protesters among Hamas, or Hezbollah? If Israel does cease fire, will Hamas stop sending suicide bombers into restaurants? Will Hezbollah stop launching rockets at Israel? Not bloody likely.

Worse: I firmly believe that PNAC is behind the kidnapping of the two IDF soldiers by Hezbollah to pave the way for Bushco to invade Iran and Syria. Only this time, they're planning on letting Israel do the work for them. This isn't as black and white as the graphs purport to be.

Unknown said...


Check out this story:

Very interesting, relates to "G's" thread on religion

billie said...

time- it is very interesting because i read last night that that is the way al quada operates.

as for the rest of the debacle that is the middle east- diva and obob- i am not disagreeing with you at all about israel defending her people. not one bit. if that is what it was- i wouldn't be wasting so many of my posts on this subject. i finished my book on globalization and he had some interesting thoughts on the arab muslims that i will share- because i think that they are dead on. i am absolutely against the way that they have chosen to show their anger, frustration, or whatever the hell it is- to the rest of the world. it is ridiculous for them to think that they can destroy us- or any other nation of the world by blowing themselves and a few dozen, hundreds, or thousands of people up. yet- they continue to do so. i think that we- as a nation- need to look beyond the bombs and start coming up with a better solution because this strategy isn't working. it hasn't worked for israel for 60 years and it isn't working for us.

no- i don't condone- nor do i have any simpathy for hamas or hezbollah or any of the other islamo-fascist groups out there any more than i condone or support the religious zealots in israel or here. but- i won't support israel's mistreatment of the palestinians anymore nor their treatment of the lebanese. any other time they hit what they want with pin point accuracy- and this time they wipe out an entire country. they are wrong and they are in collusion with america and it is obvious. it is obvious in their own country and this has probably harmed them more than anything else in their history. and no diva- i don't see israel as any different than any other country on this planet. to me they are no more special than argentina, nigeria, canada or germany. all have people, and all have their problems.

dawn said...

I agree with divajood, I think the site was misleading and i'm sure apro jew/isreali site can offer up different stats.The site to me is extremely bias and under the guise of americans, why don't they say who they really are