Tuesday, July 11, 2006

going for a trifecta

my mother always told me growing up- never talk about 1)religion, 2)politics and 3) family. well, i figured i would round it out- since i tend to piss off or spark debates at the very least on the other two :) anyhoo- i have one sibling- god love my younger sister for growing up with me and my mom. my family is my inspiration for what i do and how i live my life. my mother worked her whole life because she made my sister and me her whole life. my dad is estranged from us as he is an alcoholic. my mother is terminally ill with heart and lung issues and it has been a journey for her to adjust to a life of being cared for after having cared for everyone else her whole life. it is hard for her to not be working because when she was working money was freedom- and she could buy things to help my sister and me out. i say this because much of what i post here comes from conversations with my mother. i try and go over to see her daily as she lives 5 minutes away. i own the house and have to go over and do yardwork, etc. anyway but it is a good excuse to drop in while my sister is at work so she isn't lonely. anyhoo- since she can't get out and around- she researches and puts me on paths and helps me to put the pieces of the puzzle together. she has suffered strokes and mini strokes so her short term memory is a bit faulty and causes her some frustration. i got her a pad to write stuff down and 2 three inch binders because i print off my blog and comments for her- as well as much material on certain subjects. she puts it into the binders and reads and re-reads so she can remember and takes notes.

so- to my mother- the source of my political 'prowess' and to my sister- for putting up with endless talks about stuff she isn't as interested in- thanks guys for being there. i love you.


Dardin Soto said...

My best to your Mom and Sis. They obviously have a special person in you as well :)... nice post.
I keep forgetting to mention my own wonderful family sometimes. Thanks for the reminder. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

Me Inigo, ye post just makes me admire an' love ye more...if this lesbian Pirate Queen lived close enough, I would be goin' o'er with ye t'see your mother. She sounds like a doll an' she did so darn well with ye...

DivaJood said...

betmo, your post here is quite beautiful. Your mother raised you well, and I applaud her. I can tell you this: because you are so loving and present for her, much later down the road, your heart will be at peace because of your actions today. My best to you and your mother and sister.

Obob said...

keeps everything in perspective a tad

shawn (aka blogstud) said...

Wonderful Post, betmo. Thanks for reminding me of what is most important but often forgotten.

No said...

Love this post..Say hello to your mom and sis...does mom ever want to make a comment? that would be cool...

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for sharing that. I think about you all quite often now. Been so long since I've seen you all. I was going through pics the other day and found one where your mom and Christie came to G'ville and visited us. The pic is of my mom and your mom doing an exercise tape! :)

Keep on taking care of mom...and give her our best!

EAPrez said...

Thanks for sharing your story. It's always interesting to know 'where people come from' - hearing touching family stories always moves me to tears because of my own lack of family connections. Best wishes for all of you.

EAPrez said...

Thanks for sharing your story. It's always interesting to know 'where people come from' - hearing touching family stories always moves me to tears because of my own lack of family connections. Best wishes for all of you.