Tuesday, July 25, 2006

christian, muslim, jew or hindu?

“there has been, indeed, a disturbing trend toward fundamentalism in recent years, among political leaders and within major religious groups both abroad and in our country, and they have become increasingly intertwined. ...I soon learned that there was a more intense form of fundamentalism, with some prevailing characteristics:

  • Almost invariably, fundamentalist movements are led by authoritarian males who consider themselves to be superior to others and, within religious groups, have an overwhelming commitment to subjugate women and to dominate their fellow believers.

  • Although fundamentalists usually believe that the past is better than the present, they retain certain self-beneficial aspects of both their historic religious beliefs and of the modern world.

  • Fundamentalists draw clear distinctions between themselves, as true believers, and others, convinced that they are right and that anyone who contradicts them is ignorant and possibly evil.

  • Fundamentalists are militant in fighting against any challenge to their beliefs. They are often angry ans sometimes resort to verbal or event physical abuse against those who interfere with the implementation of their agenda.

  • Fundamentalists tend to make their self-definition increasingly narrow and restricted, to isolate themselves, to demagogue emotional issues, and to view change, cooperation, negotiation, and other efforts to resolve differences as signs of weakness.

To summarize, there are three words that characterize this brand of fundamentalism: rigidity, domination, and exclusion.”

excerpt from jimmy carter, 'our endangered values.'


Human said...

A real great book. I was tempted and still am to put up a blog and tranfer the text of the whole book and post it.

Frank Partisan said...

Never in modern times, have they had so much political clout.

Carter was for the most part able to balance his own fundamentalism, with his office.

Mary said...

I just don't understand the attraction to it unless you are the leader. I mean who would want to follow?

Peacechick Mary said...

I would add, "fear of change". Maybe we could change their title to mudstuckers. Thanks for the review.

Trailady said...

You make a good point here! Sadly, there is SO much arrogance in fundamentalism. I am a free & independant thinker and hope to remain so for all my days. I do not ascribe to anybody's agenda- it's best to think for myself.
Diversity is a GOOD thing. Unfortunately, fundamentalist want everyone to be the same.

pissed off patricia said...

These people scare me. They are taking over and leaving behind common sense.

G_in_AL said...

You'd get sued, copywright infringment... careful.

renegade eye: Define modern times, and define "they". Muslims have had absolute totolitarian control since days before the Ottoman Empire. Church of England had that kind of clout up until days after the American Revolution. And our founding Fathers were all Christians for the most part.

Mary: Usually the true fundemenatlaist cult like groups seek out those whom need the security and comfort of a closed world like that. Plus, never count out the human ambition "to belong"... ever join a club? Most clubs rely on the "exclusivity" of membership to alure you into wanting to be a part of it. This stuff is no different. Anyone can be a Christian, but can you be one of "us"?

I think that the biggest difference is that today, there are a whole slew of powerful and unscrupilous folks using the Faith of many to shepard in a support base for power. This used to be called out by the leaders of the Faith, but, just like the 18th Century church, those leaders have $$ and power in their eyes too and have forsaken their eternal treasure for the treasure here on earth.

Spadoman said...

I'm not any of those listed, and I'm not an athiest. I don't listen to them. The little that I know about them is enough to "turn me off" to any further teaching or learning about them.

Why do people follow, and some blindly at that? Security in their minds about how they'd fare in the afterlife I'd imagine. I've seen billboards that say to accept Jesus or pay the consequences. Maybe the followers know something about what the consequences will be and don't want to suffer them.

Jimmy Carter is a man and a hero. I remember that we didn't start a war with Iran and I'm sure, given the circumstances of the times, he could have with full support of the American people. In my opinion, that took more courage than to send troops to die for a lie like the current administration has done.

Intrepidflame said...

Check out a book called Under The Banner of Heaven, for a deeper look into fundamentalism. Jon Krauker looks at Mormonism in the states with some striking similarities to the Taliban.

Sarah said...

"And our founding Fathers were all Christians for the most part."

Actually, they weren't. A belief in a higher power does not make you a Christian. This is another lie the fundamentalist Christian leaders have spread as mainstream "history." Three were Roman Catholic, and the majority of them were Freemasons. Even if the majority of them were "Christian," they still created a secular government with the intent of freedom of religion for all people, including those who profess no belief.

For example, John Adams did not believe in the Trinity and became Unitarian. Thomas Jefferson was a freethinking deist who chopped out all the nonsense in The Bible. Benjamin Franklin was also a deist who claimed that a lighthouse was more helpful than a church.

As far as I'm concerned, our own Christian fundamentalists are more of a danger to our freedom than any Muslim terrorist. You can't fight a group of people who control every branch of government. These people are warping American history in order to justify making their beliefs into public policy.

Fundamentalism = Ignorance and fear. Sorry, but that is no way to run a country.

Human said...

A real good discussion you started betmo. I also noticed the big Tikkon link. I just gotta get my own .com so I can have a page like I want.