Tuesday, June 13, 2006

why red and blue doesn't matter anymore

there was a time in the not too distant past when voting one way or another mattered. today- not so much. why would i say that- what with all of the political hoopla going on around the country- photo ops in iraq, parading dead men around to raise polls, sacrificing your first born in order to win back congress- you get the picture. i am doing research on globilization. it is a rather large topic what with the outsourcing of jobs, global warming, wars and genocide, economics, etc. it covers alot of ground- as it should- it's the world after all. in my travels thus far- i have come to realize that we are but a small part of this planet- here in america- and yet, we are under the delusion that we are the biggest part. i doubt that things here will change anytime soon- and i certainly don't discourage agitating for change. my personal thoughts are that we are moving towards a government- dem or repub- that will be less democratic and more authoritarian. more to come after more research....


Anonymous said...

I do share your statement about the current state of the political situation and the political parties.

Yet I know it can be changed, the people can change it. The people have to cut through their apathy and hold these politicians to the fire.

People need to become much more involved in telling their leaders what they want done.

Because I follow political events, I sometimes forget that most people do not. It's only a minority that vote and they seem too easily led by the lies and lines of the party they claim to belong to.

Events being what they are, I expect the people to start showing up at the polls. If I'm wrong, well I'm well over 50 so I won't have to live with it too long.

Dardin Soto said...

I have a great idea, lets do away with polling.
Imagine if nobody, not even the media has an idea of how the populace is leaning, what states are turning purple, or blue or pink.. whatever it is.. can you imagine?... back in the day when nobody polled you got plenty of participation due to the unknown... nobody really knew how the current political winds were shifting and the thought that their absent vote could make a difference to the opposition made for a more motivated electorate. The reason my friends dont vote?... they tell me, "hell, the demos are always up 10 points in california,..its a foregone conclusion"
Of course im being fascitious as hell, ... but we can all dream, yes?

Anonymous said...

Here is the problem as I see it, as we move toward the illusion of a more complex global society more and more people are willing to turn to a "nanny state" run by so called "experts" to take care of them instead of taking peronal responsibility. The cure is for the individual to not surrender to this complexity but instead to become more informed and not to surrender personal responsibility and liberty to the state. This will take some time but one thing is clear, more government is not the answer, more government is the problem. On another note, thank you for your thoughtful comment on my site.

shawn (aka blogstud) said...

interesting post, betmo. many others feel the same, although I still see big differences in the parties. You would not see the GOP sending out emails condemning the fma. You would not see Democrats pushing for laws to restrict abortion. While some middle ground does exist, for the time being I see two separate parties. You could be right about the authoritarian issue. I hope not, though. Shawn

billie said...

i am predicting that we will see a period of increased government as these people-worldwide not just america- fight for relevency. the 'flattening' of the world-to borrow thomas freidman's term is making individuals stronger and more independent- but the general populations have to catch up. in the meantime, the government is becoming increasingly irrelevent the way that it is currently- and adverse to changing as we all know. it will be interesting to follow.

The Future Was Yesterday said...

With Corporations reaching sizes never before seen, it is entirely possible for one Corporation to control an entire country. India is a tiny country, yet their good fortunes are turning America upside down. Why? They have our jobs because of cheap labor. As long as Corporations can get their cheap labor, they could care less if Charlie Brown is President. You can see that right here now. It really, other than the angle of descent, doesn't matter who's in power - Dem or Rep. We're still going to be further downhill at the end of their term. So it is a pretty effective arguement to say our government has already been rendered impotent by Corporations. Instead of just Cities and States fueding for jobs, entire nations will fight over them, as the Corporations stand back and pick the lowest hanging cherries....

billie said...

'the world is flat' by thomas friedman is a good read about all of this.