Thursday, June 08, 2006

what a day

well, how was everyone's day? mine started out with meeting an insurance adjuster to assess water damage to my rental property due to the recent spate of rain and storms and ended with a flat tire and flooded trunk. my husband and i started to change my tire and it started raining. so, i went into the trunk and it was half filled with water. apparently, this has been a problem i wasn't aware of as my wheel well was half filled with water. sigh. so i got the tire fixed but there isn't anything i can do about the trunk- so i will have to keep an eye out and bail out water. anyone else having issues with blogger?

dawn- as for ann coulter- this is all i am going to say about the wretched creature: she is vile, meanspirited, ignorant, poisonous and does not merit anymore publicity. she spews venom and poison against innocent people and says things simply to get a rise out of people. she has no intellectual merit in spite of being an attorney and any publicity she gets just feeds her ego and keeps her going. she is a simpleton who has no capacity for abstract thought or compassion- and what she said about the ladies who lost their families in the world trade center is reprehensible. she said what she said because she knew that it would generate publicity for her hate-filled tome- and that is really why anything comes out of her mouth- self promotion. i have wasted too many words on her already.


Anonymous said...

I had asked how your day was, but I see maybe I should wait a little while before I push for a more elaborate response. Look at it this way! At least that damned lawn will be healthy.

And I'm telling you, Ann Coulter is nothing more than a parody of what she is supposed to represent. She is a shrewd business woman, and I'll bet you a dollar that 20 years from now, she's exposed as a plant of the progressive party. She did go to school in Ithaca after all. The woman is so profoundly disturbed, so entirely offensive - she ends up recruiting for the other team, or at the very least she shows rational people the way...AWAY.

Speaking of Ithaca - if you haven't seen her fellow alum Keith Olbermann ripping O'Reilly a new one, I highly suggest you head over to youtube. I know, I know. You hate the man's pinstripes. Just look past them.


Anonymous said...

Blogger was a mite testy until I sent me evil sea-monkey o'er t'poke 'em in th'behind with me cutlass. Hope yer back t'postin' again.


Guerrillas in the Midst said...

Wouldn't it have been interesting had she called them "Little Eichmanns"?

billie said...

taryn- didn't check my email today. where the hell have you been anyway? i will check my email after you-know-who gets off of the other computer. i know that you have a weird sense of whatever for coulter. i am taking your word for the fact that she has any brain cells at all. i hate giving the 'woman' any air time at all.

i have decided to call a moratorium on the following topics: coulter, gay marriage, immigration, abortion, flag burning, etc- until after the constitution is restored, homeland securtiy is revamped, the '06 elections,etc. i just won't be commenting on these topics. you all are more than welcomed to talk about them- but i won't be posting on them.

someone please, please buy keith a new suit without pinstripes- it gives me seizures. who told him he looked good dressed like that anyway? i would never let mr. betmo go out of the house like that.

thank ye cap'n for the sea monkies- i was ready to start swashing me buckle soon. very aggravating to do with pms.

Spadoman said...

Yeah Betmo, I had a hell of a day too. Glad it's over, time for a new day.

billie said...

publius, i could make a list a mile long on both sides and it wouldn't change the fact that i intensely dislike coulter. i think it is because she is a woman firstly and a supposed intellect secondly. that is not to say that i don't feel that many of the pundits, talking heads, 'news people', etc. couldn't be held to the same standard. may not be rational- but i can't stand her.

dawn said...

Betmo, I knew you would be passionate on this subject. I agree with you 100%. Thanks for your comments They were lovely. Do we know where Moral is, it's not like him to not post today. Yes I had alot of trouble with blogger yesterday they must of been upgrading. Have a great weekend

billie said...

i would like one day without a raindrop to fix the stuff that the raindrops have ruined. i spent yesterday bailing out my car trunk and today- soaking up the water with rags to get the rest out. i would like to leave the trunk open but now- it looks like rain again. sigh

pissed off patricia said...

Blogger has had fits and starts for several days. Today it seems to feel better.

Man, you day did start off miserable. Maybe the worst is over and your weekend will be just as good as your day was stinky.

Here's to a great weekend!