Tuesday, June 13, 2006

thought for tuesday

The best thing to give your enemy is forgiveness; to an opponent, tolerance; to a friend, your heart; to a child, a good example; to a father deference; to your mother, conduct that will make her proud of you; to yourself, respect; to all men, charity.


Spadoman said...

Yes. This is what it's all about. So hard to live this way, but worth the effort for the peace it provides.


pissed off patricia said...

Just wanted to clear up something. My post today about the VA said that VA employees would be required to take the course. Mr Pop is a veteran but he doesn't work for the VA, so he is not required to take the course.

Mr Pop is a marine biologist.

Just didn't want to mislead you :)

dawn said...

very nice.Are you missing beth and moral as much as I am

billie said...

apparently, i am on a role today. guess that explains the interest in turtles :) yes- beth and moral are sorely missed. the one liners sure do ease tension out in the blogosphere.

Martyn said...

That's an excellent distilled piece of wisdom. Learning to try and see your opponents humanity is always a good discipline. The struggle is to try and not objectify people who you find disagreeable.

Thanks for sharing :-)

Dardin Soto said...

ah jeez Betmo,... here I was coming out of my self-impossed exile of a week or so... dying for some Bush-bashing blood-drippin' red meat of a post..... and I get this?.....
:)... thanks.. just what I needed today... I'm making my rounds ~~~

billie said...

tp- there are plenty of those around- not necessarily here. good to have you back. :)